I like to make anything out of anything. Sculpture, traditional illustration, film, music, all kinds of animation... Curiosity killed the master of none. While nothing is off the table, animals and nature are typically the themes that pop up most often in my work, and mixed media animated music videos are probably my favorite thing to make.
Every few years I go through an intense new fangirl obsession. Right now it's the Beatles, so that's mostly what's been flooding my gallery lately. I am not sorry.
I got my BFA in experimental animation at CalArts, tried to work a bit in the LA film industry, then promptly returned home to the country where I belong. In addition to incidental freelance projects, I currently run an Etsy shop and YouTube channel (both called MadeleiZoo). Check out my stuff and look at my dog.
I love foxes too they're beautiful and smart animals
Aww cool! And they can be so funny too XD
Yes. I love everything about them and they do make great funny animals
Thanks for the Llama!
Thanks for the Llama!