Books of Blood - Issue 1: The Book of BloodMadefireStudios on DeviantArt

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Books of Blood - Issue 1: The Book of Blood



Two paranormal researches, Reg and Mary, hire a psychic, Simon, to assist in their investigation of a haunted house found at the address of 65 Tollington Place. Simon is a showman who has his own flashy methods of drawing out spirits. What Simon ultimately summons is something that no one involved in the investigation will soon forget.

This first chapter of the Books of Blood series is Clive Barker’s legendary debut into the world of horror literature. Adapted into motion by writer Mark Alan Miller (Next Testament, Hellraiser) and artist Sam Shearon, The Book of Blood pushes the limits of the motion comic platform and the boundaries of terror.

Read on, if you dare, and discover that everybody is a book of blood; wherever we're opened, we're red.
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segura2112's avatar

But because of Eclipse I can't read this!