Emote Wars Reloadedmadb0y on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/madb0y/art/Emote-Wars-Reloaded-206467057madb0y

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madb0y's avatar

Emote Wars Reloaded



Hey guys! sup again.
Haha, you thought I would stop at that little emote called 'sniper shoot' and than I leave again, right? haha, thats wrong, here's my new emote. I posted something like this once, but thats was a WIP only now its finished, or whatever, reloaded :giggle:

It's also a contest entry for this month's EMTC held by =SparklyDest
This month's theme is hobbies, and why this emote fits? Because when I was kid I loved to play on my nintendo, specially with Advanced wars, so this was my hobby. :woohoo:
hope it fits the theme well enough. :)

`CookiemagiK it's your turn!
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240x160px 901.37 KB
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Waluigi-Prower's avatar
Just to let you know, this emote was chosen as the Daily Emote for EmoteADay on April 10, 2015, and featured here! emoteaday.deviantart.com/journ… :dummy: