
New Dawn 2023: Sterling Entry #1

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“Sun cookies?” Sterling asked, a touch of panic creeping into her voice. “I… I don’t know, I’m not very good at that kind of thing.”

Gus looked crestfallen - but understanding - at the admission, and that’s all it took for Sterling’s heart to cave.

“I c-can do my best to help,” Sterling said slowly, accepting the slip of paper offered to him.

For a brief moment, he couldn’t help but wish older sister - or honestly, just about any of his family - were there to help guide him. When his parents were alive, they had both been considerably better bakers than him, and even most of his children had developed far superior cooking and baking skills than him. Any of them would likely be far better candidates to him for this task.

“No measurements…” Sterling murmured to himself as he began to familiarize himself around the kitchen. “I… Guess we’ll see how this goes.”

With little confidence, Sterling began the dough by mixing three cups of flour in with two eggs. From there - and with even less confidence - he added half a chopped firecracker fruit and a cup of honey.

Sniffing the mixture he had created with a touch of suspicion, he could only hope they turned out close enough to Gus’ cookies to be enjoyable.

[220 words]

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