
New Dawn 2023: Melody Entry #7

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“You know, as strange as this world has been, I definitely enjoy these festivals,” Melody mused as she patted Piper. The little lampyre nuzzled into her with a purr, belly full of sun cookies and content. “It’s hard to believe it’s been a full year since I found you, do you remember that?”

The lampyre gave a soft chirp before uncurling herself, going back to sniffing hopefully around the empty baking pans. “Yeah, you were trying to steal Gus’ cookies back then too,” Melody continued with a smile. “Guess not everything changes.”

Caught up in her memories, Melody allowed time to get away from her. Suddenly a sharp smell reached her nose, and Melody’s eyes widened in alarm.

“The cookies!” she gasped, racing forward to remove them from the oven.

Smoke began to billow out of the oven, and Melody coughed as she used a cloth to wave it away. The sun cookies had deepened to a crispy black on their edges and Melody winced as she set them aside.

“Well… so much for those,” Melody sighed as she regarded the burnt cookies. “Think they can be salvaged?”

Piper hopped over to sniff the cookies, her nose wrinkling up in disgust. “Yeah, I didn’t think so either,” Melody sighed. “Okay, let’s do these again.”

Reciting her previous measurements, Melody added four cups of flour and mixed in two eggs. Two diced firecracker fruits followed soon after, and she finished the dough with four cups of honey.

“Okay Pipes, don’t let me forget them this time,” Melody finished, putting the new batch into the oven.

[264 words]

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