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“Okay Pipes, fingers crossed for these ones,” Melody said as she peered into the oven, the edges of the latest batch of sun cookies just beginning to turn a light golden brown.
Taking them out, she managed to distract the little lampyre long enough to allow them to cool before she could attempt to snatch one. Once they were closer to room temperature, she offered Piper one as she took another for herself.
“Hey, these ones actually aren’t that bad!” Melody exclaimed, and Piper gave a muffled chirp of agreement around her mouth full of cookies. “They’re still not exactly like Gus’ sun cookies, but I think we can actually use these.”
“Which means,” Melody added, sliding the baking pan full of cookies out of reach,” you cannot be eating all of them.”
Piper gave an indignant chirp at the accusation and Melody ruffled the fur on her head with a laugh.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to save some for you,” Melody said as she started grabbing more ingredients. “Heck, I might even be able to make them at home after this. I’m sure everyone would enjoy them.”
“Well, now that we have some that are actually edible, let’s try making a bigger batch,” Melody said. “Four cups of flour and two eggs. Two diced firecracker fruits and four cups of honey. If I’ve done this right, this should make double the amount of cookies.”
“Hopefully this will help put a dent in the cookies Gus needs,” Melody finished, looking at her work proudly as she placed them in the oven.
[262 words]