cause i could show you. NOOO!! you sure? i could make you feel nice! REAAAAAAAL NIIIIIIICE! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?! YOU'RE A PEDOPHILE CAT! and if you live, i'm calling the cops! ok, then, i'm dead. MOMMY!!!! KTHXBI!
P.S.: If you know some Lazy Cats which I don't know, please, tell me about them and I'll be very glad. (: Thanks.
LAZE STAMP: :thumb318516247:
P.P.S.: If you're a LAZE-PLZ-ACCOUNT maker, please, make MOAR SEXY cats, cause they're the funniest things evar. That's enough BLOODY cats already. Thanks.
With love, your Flapper Laze =DeeJay-AlienFor the updated list of Laze icons of DA, please, visit my profile page!