Bold and RiskyMacesen on DeviantArt

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Bold and Risky


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The Zlesdin Christmas Show

Horse: AA Zoomies With You, 4 years old @Zlesdin mare

Rider: Kyle Arthur, 31 years old

Stable: @ArthurAcres (Canada - shoulder patch)

Class: Bronze tour (novice)

Also included: Zlesdin banner and Balloon Don

Candy Cane Divider F2U (Red)

Kyle Arthur adjusted her helmet and glanced at her 4 year old Zlesdin mare, Zoomies. The mare, pawed the sandy ground of the warm-up ring, sending little puffs of dust into the air. Her nostrils flared, eyes were wide with the usual spark of defiance. A red ribbon was tied firmly to her tail, as a warning to anyone who dared come too close.

Focus, girl,” Kyle murmured, gently stroking Zoomies’ neck. The mare tossed her head, tongue already poking out as she chewed the bit, drooling slightly in her usual fashion. She was hot, both in temperament and speed, and Kyle knew keeping her under control would be the real challenge today.

The Christmas show was bustling with energy. It was Zoomies’ first ever ridden event, and Kyle had entered mainly for the experience. But as the festive decorations twinkled overhead and the buzz of the crowd filled the indoor arena, a competitive fire lit within Kyle. She hadn’t flown Zoomies across the Atlantic just to blend in… why not go for the win?

When their turn came, Zoomies charged into the arena, muscles rippling as Kyle steadied her. The first few jumps were smooth, the mare eating up the 1 meter height with ease. Her legs stretched out beautifully, clearing each obstacl. Then came the sharp turns. Kyle knew Zoomies hated surprises, and the tight course design might challenge her. But the young mare was laser focused. Her tongue waggled in concentration as she whipped around corners, knocking seconds off their time. Even with the loud cheers of the audience, Zoomies barely flinched, her ears turning back briefly before locking forward again.

As their run was stretching to the end, Zoomies surged ahead, her speed unrelenting. Kyle could feel her heart hammering… this wasn’t the careful, fault free round she’d planned.

It was bold.


But Zoomies seemed born for this moment, eating up the ground between fences and launching over the jumps.

Somewhere mid course, the red ribbon had fluttered off Zoomies’ tail, unnoticed by both horse and rider. By the time they crossed the finish line, a triumphant cheer arose from the crowd. The announcer’s voice was loud: “Clear round, and an incredibly fast time!”

word count: 369 words

So even though I have 2937462839462 things to finish, I or course had to squueze in the Christmas Zlessie entry.

“Casting” Zoomies, was such an easy decision as this was a perfect show for the young mare to begin her SJ carrer. Kyle has flown to Europe for lots of reasons (some exciting things have yet to be revealed) but the reason Zoomies joined her is specifically for this show and to gain experience flying in an airplane as it’s something she’s gonna be doing a lot in her carrer <3

So with this entry out, I’m going back to work on a lovely commission I’ve been putting off finishing… I mean there’s a always at least ONE show I need to enter, and it inspires me and blows me off the tracks. I’m still learning how to organise better and not start 2863583586 projects until I finish the one I started. ^^;


Art & OCs © @Macesen

Saddlepad - Grgar AA pad collection

Divider © @boyology

Reference - Stock by @AmoretteRose


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1140x1617px 412.33 KB
© 2025 Macesen
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Zoubstance's avatar

This is absolutely beautiful - the use of lighting here is just MWAH :love: Gorgeous piece!