Current Residence: My mind
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Large/ XL
Favourite genre of music: Whatever sounds good
Favourite style of art: Whatever tickles my fancy
Operating System: Mac OS X
MP3 player of choice: Ipod
Wallpaper of choice: Flying Hussy
Skin of choice: Blue
Favourite cartoon character: Katara, Hinata, Yachiru, Nel Tu, Maka, Chrona
Personal Quote: Damn skippy, Joy, F$&% LOGIC
Favourite Visual Artist
Furry ninja, bleedman, endling, JFAK
Favourite Movies
Avatar, Waterworld, Mrincess mononoke, Kickass
Favourite TV Shows
Sons of anarchy, Avatar the last airbender
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
, Tragedy andy, Lincoln park, gorillaz, Barenaked ladies
Favourite Books
Inheretence Cycle, Harry potter series, Shades children
Favourite Writers
Cristopher Paolini, JK Rowling, Garth Nix
Favourite Games
The world ends with you (DS),Z.O.E. The second Runner (PS2)
Favourite Gaming Platform
Playstation all the way
Tools of the Trade
Pencil, eraser, pen
Other Interests
Manga... Manga