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Here's part 2 of my friendship meme.
20. Garu and Mandy. (The normal people)
19. Tooty and Pucca. (The young adventurers)
18 Double D and Tails. (The geniuses)
17. Knuckles and Abyo. (The obnoxious fighters)
16. Ed and Billy. (The dumb duo)
15. Billy and Pucca. (The friendly people)
14. Eddy and Wario. (The Scammers)
13. Ching and Cream. (The sweet angels)
12. Garu and Greninja. (The loyal ninjas)
11. Pucca and Grim. (The travelers)
This meme belongs to cmara. link to base…
20. Garu and Mandy. (The normal people)
19. Tooty and Pucca. (The young adventurers)
18 Double D and Tails. (The geniuses)
17. Knuckles and Abyo. (The obnoxious fighters)
16. Ed and Billy. (The dumb duo)
15. Billy and Pucca. (The friendly people)
14. Eddy and Wario. (The Scammers)
13. Ching and Cream. (The sweet angels)
12. Garu and Greninja. (The loyal ninjas)
11. Pucca and Grim. (The travelers)
This meme belongs to cmara. link to base…
Image size
820x1004px 575.08 KB
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