Spelunkyma5h on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/ma5h/art/Spelunky-323741740ma5h

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ma5h's avatar




I've been obsessed with Spelunky recently and it's always those damn idol traps that send me to my death. So here is a slightly modified scene from the opening of Raiders of the Lost Ark, to account for my love of the game. If onlyI knew Indy's secret to escaping with an idol!

I used lots of different brushes and tutorials which all helped immensely. These are listed below :-

Awesome Crack brushes to help me make things look old by silhouette stock [link] , FrostBo [link] , Miamoto [link] and Mogeygriffon [link]

The awesome Foliage brushes were from LJFHutch and can be downloaded here [link]

The incredibly useful Light beams were from RedheadStock [link] and FrostBo [link]

Excellent grunge brushes used for muckying up things were kindly provided by akisu-sama and can be downloaded here [link]

The incredibly handy metal colouring tutorial I used is from Real4fantasy and can be read here [link]

The stone texture was achieved by embossing Clouds which I read about here [link] and used FrostBo's excellent cloud brushes to achieve [link]

Finally the absolutely essential Aztec \ Mayan Symbols brushes were provided by the MaxPowersXx and can be downloaded here [link]

Thanks to all that provided resources for this :-)
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3451x2990px 4.95 MB
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slavetraderpaul's avatar
Very well done! Awesome. That was my favorite part of the film.