Killzone: Obeyma5h on DeviantArt

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ma5h's avatar

Killzone: Obey



I had a bit of free time today so I thought I would try a different style. I took the classic promotional image for the film Jin Roh ([link]) and turned it into a propaganda poster for the Helghast. I would have kept it as a Kerberos Panzer Cop piece but the Helghast suited this sort of propaganda better also it meant I could get their cool logo in there :-)

I used the excellent splatter brushes provided by project-gimpBC which you can locate here :-


I also utilised the incredibly useful Fighter Silhouette very kindly provided by Travis-Person which you can find here :-

Image size
3508x2882px 22.99 MB
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quinoproductions's avatar
actually some ones thinks that helghast are based on the kerberos panzer suit of jin roh