Old Guy Finishedm3maqs on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/m3maqs/art/Old-Guy-Finished-119356069m3maqs

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Daily Deviation

May 2, 2009
Old Guy Finished by ~m3maqs is brought to life with detailed modelling and amazing textures and shading.
Featured by joannastar
m3maqs's avatar

Old Guy Finished



I manage to finish another work!
I know that many things could be better here, but I don't have enough strength to work more on this project (i already start another one) anyway, hope You like it guys
Image size
935x1032px 499.43 KB
© 2009 - 2025 m3maqs
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Hi m3maqs,

I hope you are well.

Thanks for sharing your amazing talent here!  Your work is really great.

I was wondering...I'm making some character outlines for a 100% non-profit video project I'm working on.  I am putting together some introductions for my voice actor volunteers and I need an image of an older fellow.  Would you mind if I used this image if I give you full credit including a link to your page here?

I appreciate your consideration and hope to hear from you.