LAMA helmet testerLynxoyidUA on DeviantArt

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LynxoyidUA's avatar

LAMA helmet tester



This is a quasi-anthro kitten scuba diver. She uses a scuba gear with volumetric transparent helmet known as LAMA, and underwater scooter. Also she has a wetsuit or drysuit with gloves on hands and fins on her legs. *Also she has a buoyancy-control jacket (which takes a some ugly for her body) and not shown weighting belt.*

Why I called her "tester"? - Because more anthro version will coming soon...

art(c) WLynx :iconwlynx: ~2015
Image size
1982x1432px 676.76 KB
© 2015 - 2025 LynxoyidUA
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Suomipoika11's avatar
Pretty clever - there's been similar setup for dogs for while, why not for cats, too ^^ ? Let's just hope no juicy fishes swim past her....