
A Favor for Starkir, Spectre, FT Pan.

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A ginger and white felvarg padded her way forward, her two beloveds had suggested she participate in the years curiosities. She could not remember the last feltide she had been to. This feltide had already been oh so eventful. Her glasses fogged slightly and she managed somehow to whipe them off with gentle care. As she continued her way into the vale she spotted him, Starkir. "Bring me a whisp," he had demanded, Pandemonium pinned her ears. "I cannot just simply do so! a wisp would not survive the journey back to you," she snapped her maw shut as Starkir gazed back toward the mist of the vale. "I didn't say alive, did I? now go get me one." he insisted in such a tone the felvarg could only describe as harsh. She lowered her head and began toward the Willow o wisp lake. The grass under paw gave her comfort in this journey.  The fur of her pelt stood on end as she padded onward, head low to the ground. All these scents and smells overwhelmed her senses, and she begun into a trot. She tried seeking solace in the scent of pine and wild flowers, but the mist shrouded her eyes and she found herself close to panic.  Steadily she regained her calm and begun a walk again. She lifted her head whilst shaking slightly, she could do this, she knew she could. The overgrowth brushed against her sides like paws reaching out to grab at her fur. Her ears pricked at the unsettling sound of hushed wind whispering in her ears. Eventually her green hues caught site of that lake she so dreaded to find. She sat for a moment, allowing her nerves to stabilize as she watched as blue fireflies danced soundly across the lake, the felvarg closed her eyes and begun to prepare herself for what she must do. Pan was silent for a long while before she felt something brush against her fur and she jumped away from it, her glasses falling with a small splash into the dark water she now stood ankle deep within. She gasped in fear as all she now saw only blurry shapes of green and black, she reared her head and fell into the water, paws slipping on the lakes slippery mud below that shimmering surface. Her paws reached out towards the blue fire flies above in a panic. The splashing ensued for a short while, and as the felvarg opened her eyes underwater, she saw a reflection of light. Green hues became thinner as her pale pupils widened in shock, she pushed herself towards the shimmery reflection, opening her maw and gripping her glasses gently between her canines and kicking herself back up to the surface. She gasped for air as she sat up in the water, lifting a paw to put her glasses back on her face properly. She got up and padded out of the water, shaking droplets off her short coat, she ducked her head and breathed heavily upon shaking limbs. Pan would snort and growl softly snapping her maw into the air and shutting carnivorous teeth around a wisp as she'd snarl in anger at herself. She coughed it back up, collapsing on the grassy forest floor, she closed her eyes and covered her face with cold paws. She began coughing violently as tears streamed down her darker ginger muzzle. She'd cry out in anger, causing her entire body to shake with her wrath and regret. "I KNOW I'M ALONE, DAMN YOU. I shouldn't have come, Verxi would have done better, is that what you assholes wanted? I admit it, I'm a weakling, i'm just the same quivering pup as before," Her voice caught in her throat after screaming into the sky with sorrow. She sighed and relaxed in the over growth, looking into the sky past the trees of the vale. *Get up* a voiced murmured within her, *This is your price to pay, for the death of an innocent creature, now get UP!*. She shot up suddenly, swinging her head around frantically before noticing the dead wisp she had killed durring her lashing out. She wailed as tears began to stream again, gripping the ground with her claws as she began to salivate with anger at her own self. She inhaled and began to count and breathe. "I have to do this, my consequences cannot be avoided." She rubbed her tears away with one paw, and stood. Lowering her snout to the ground she gripped the dead wisp in her teeth, her eyes began to darken as she made her way back to the fel known as Starkir. On steadying paws Pan worked her way back, inhaling those same scents through her nose. Her aching legs still did not give, green hues shifting about the forest as she snaked her way through. Eventually on her journey back she paused to assess her situation. Setting the wisp down they'd stare at it unblinkingly, gently brushing their paw over its glowing little body. Sighing and looking away, though noticing movement under-paw they looked back, and realized it was still, somehow, alive. Green iris's watched with surprise as it began to float away back towards the willow o wisp lake. Snarling, Pan leapt after it and a chase begun, gradually the wisp went faster, and Pan stretched their legs further in a way to catch up, leaping over a fallen pine log and snapping lively fungi from their rotting wooden connection. The felvarg yelped when a branch snapped into their face and they fell back, stunned. "Grr, damn you," she snarled out viciously. Back to her paws she begun to run after the distant blue light of the wisp ahead, digging her claws into the ground and kicking up moist dirt in her wake, she felt her muscles ache as the scent of water assaulted her nose again, and in an attempt to leap she felt herself caught on a branch and plummeting back down.. again into the lake. She scrambled back and swam up towards the surface again, surprised her glasses stayed firmly on her face this time. Pan sneered as she reached the surface and paddled her way to the shore, shaking herself out. She huffed and bared her teeth, closing her eyes. "You wont escape again, vile little creature, i refuse to fail at my first task, i will not be a pawn in the game of the likes of you." The varg inhaled sharply, stretching out her limbs, she would lay down and rest her paws for a while. Her blackened pupils watched the wisp she targeted float about above the water. She rested her head on her paws and would pretend to sleep. Her plan would come true in due time. The wisp gradually grew closer, and Pan could feel it in her fur as the air made way for the wisps antics to begin. 'Just a little closer' she thought, keeping her body relaxed. This gave her time to rest her body and her mind, even if merely slightly. As she waited she realized gradually her patients would be the perfect key she needed. As the felvarg pretended to sleep the wisp floated above her now, slowly falling and landing gently upon her nose. Her nerves cried out to her brain to move and catch it, but she had to wait. She gave it time to get comfortable, the wisp would easily escape if she did it now, no. She had to wait until its guard was down.. Now! She launched herself upwards suddenly with ferocity, catching the wisp in her teeth and dashing off into the vale's woods again, her paws thundered upon the forest floor, and she leapt once more , successful this time, landing with a thump and narrowing her eyes. She felt her heart race as the wisp violently tried to escape the toothy walls that held it firmly in her mouth. Her ears pricked and she listened to the songbirds above and the whisper of the winds, digging her claws into the earth she launched herself over yet another fallen log, landing instead on top of it. She  bunched up her muscles and jumped again dashing along the forest floor as she felt the wisp die between her teeth. 'Victory,' Pan thought, peeling her lips back in a slight smile. Her eyes saw only the goal ahead, bring the wisp to Starkir. The felvarg inhaled deep through her nose as her paws thundered against the ground, she felt oddly free and brave now, as small as it had been, she had managed her very first kill. Sure it probably wasnt the best choice to make, but she already did it. She growled in delight as she felt the wisp's body against her tongue. She skidded to a halt and stretched her spine with a loud yawn before closing her maw and continuing towards Starkir. As she trotted onward she would adjust the wisp in her maw so she could hold it carefully in her teeth, and as she approached, she dropped it at Starkir's paws. "There is your wisp, i hope it helps you."


Official Import: Pandemonium 4945
Reward Tracker: Tracker
Task: Favor for Starkir
Previous Prompt Completion: This is the first prompt i'm doing
Completed Task: Here
Path Selection: Spectre

© 2022 - 2025 LynxiePhara
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