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Hayashi Shuji



Shuji Hayashi-san (林 修司さん)

So, this is my favorite actor. He's very talented and hilarious. His 38th birthday was November 27th of 2016 so I drew this. Doubt he would ever see it, but it doesn't hurt to try. Drawing hair and hands is a pain in the flibbin butt.

He worked in the Japanese stage play ROCK MUSICAL BLEACH as Byakuya Kuchiki, and subsequently many other works, including the white rabbit, Time, in a version of Alice in Wonderland, Zakuro from the manga Saiyuki, Romeo in a rather...interesting version of Romeo and Juliet, did a part in a Hamlet version but I didn't find that one, and many, many other different projects over the years. I highly recommend finding RMB, because it's hilarious.

I wish him all the best.

UPDATE: Hayashi-san saw this and liked the picture. I was extremely happy about this. Took my mom all night to peel me off the ceiling.
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5216x7040px 3.64 MB
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