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Download links:
Windows installer: 32-bit (Apophysis DLL plugin compatible) or 64-bit
Windows portable version (7-zip archive): 32-bit or 64-bit
Mac OSX: 32- and 64-bit
Linux: 32-bit or 64-bit
Ahoy u guise Here's a late night update for Chaotica 0.74 and about my recent DD!
I was very happy to recently receive a DD for my work "seductress", thanks to Daeurth and SaTaNiA:
This was very surprising but also very reassuring for me, since my "style" of fractal making (writing randomisation generators for my fractal programs) is relatively tedious, and perhaps a little frowned upon I've still not learnt the fractal design skills real fractal artists use... someday Anyway, the params for this work are now included with Chaotica in case you'd like to check it out!
About the new Chaotica 0.74 version, the rotation and scaling controls are now finally properly implemented in the world editor, and undo/redo works there too instead of just the main window. These changes alone are worth the new release as they help so much with common editing functionality!
For easier colouring control, the palette editor now shows the location of flam3_shader palette indices. The pre- and post-affines are much easier to see as a pair in the editor (they have the same colour, post-affines drawn with dashed lines); post-affines can be added and removed using the new flam3 transform control in the node editor.
tatasz has done an amazing job with a new Chaotica editor tutorial based on blurred elliptic-splits, and graciously allowed the inclusion of two her great param packs with the Chaotica downloads:
64bit Apophysis plugin DLLs are now supported, you can put them in the provided plugins folder. These have been recently released by Xyrus-02, for more info on this please see his page for the announcement.
The random params are much nicer now, and there are many quiet fixes and improvements behind the scenes... As always I must thank the amazing community for support with bug reports (cheers fractist!), suggestions, plugin packs, tutorials, ... Thank you so much guys!
Here are some recent features from , enjoy!
20 years
This deviantArt account is now almost exactly half my age! How time flies... hope you are all well
How can the new dA be so terrible?
It's actually kind of impressive just how bad it is.
Last night we learnt that our dear friend in fractals, Light Ska Iktomi, has passed away: Devious Journal Entry
She was the sweetest, kindest person you could hope to meet online, and really held the Aposhack ( community together for many years. Those years were some of the best in my life, mostly because of the fractal scene, and she was so so dear to many of us... I genuinely weep for her passing, she was a great one :(
Some more sad news unfortunately, is that I have left my job at Glare Technologies after 9 years. When I joined Glare, I handed over the rights to Chaotica (... it's that old), and they will continue to own it; I've per
Stochastic Labs and SIGGRAPH
I'm doing a residency at Stochastic Labs in Berkeley until July 25th, then will be in Vancouver in August 11-16 giving a talk at SIGGRAPH (!!), finally touring around western USA again in September.
If you're in the area and wanna meet up lemme know! I'll try to organise a talk at UC Berkeley with a bunch of flame fractal people (Erik Reckase, FarDareisMai (, Platinus (, mfeemster ( around mid July, that would be really cool if it happens :D
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Congrats on the DD Thomas!
Great to see Chaotica growing up
Great to see Chaotica growing up