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your comment is awaiting censorship they're old hands at this game:
edit: now with 100% more censorship and 100% more drama!
edit: now with 100% more censorship and 100% more drama!
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I deleted lycium’s (Thomas Ludwig’s) original comment to my posting about Fractal Art isn’t Rocket Science. But his expansion on the theme expressed in his original Orbit Trap comment grew to become an interesting work of art and well worth reading...
You actually took on with this guy? At least he didn't click the delete button this time and actually respect other's opinions.
What is your view of a piece of art? Do you amaze by the pattern, color, texture of its? Or do you wonder how it was made and wonder who had made it?
You actually took on with this guy? At least he didn't click the delete button this time and actually respect other's opinions.
What is your view of a piece of art? Do you amaze by the pattern, color, texture of its? Or do you wonder how it was made and wonder who had made it?