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lVlorf3us's avatar




Finally a new matte painting. :) A little bit more abstract and maybe less photorealistic than my older works, but I personaly like it very much this way. It's much more "dreamy" and it sells the feeling (I aimed for) better. It's how I felt like being in Thailand last month.

It's my first work containing ONLY my own pictures - pictures I took in Thailand (not the gas giant in the background though, but he's also based on blurred photo). It's really nice feeling not to depend on photobanks or free textures..

I have another 2 scenes in my head - blue and red (working titles, this one was green). Consider these 3 as some kind of "Thailand trio" - scenes made up only from my Thai (mai tai, get it?:)) photos.

Hope y'all like it!
Image size
1920x1080px 4.22 MB
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