I'm going to be a fire fighter.

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LVeraWrites's avatar
To make a long story short and to explain why I've fallen behind on my writing is because I was working really hard for the last 15 months to get into the SAFD. And it turns out I start the fire academy next Monday. 

Writing wise, The Monolith has two chapters left and I want to get them up ASAP. And that's been my latest writing goal. I've been we too distracted with work and the fire dept to get them clean enough to post here. But they are coming soon, I promise. Hopefully I can get The Monolith in an ebook format soon after and Everyone who was apart of it will get a free copy.

Until then check out some of the other things I've been busy with. My story about a kid and his grandfather who has dementia, called A Red Bandana is a apart of this new anthology. Please check it out:

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Deviant-Defaroe's avatar
this. is. awesome!
congratulations and I wish you the best of luck! :D