Art Theft. Boo.

13 min read

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LVeraWrites's avatar

3-21-12: The Horror Suicide Show and Diary of a Madman now available on Amazon.…

Two new finds for books still up on Amazon. Both from :iconhellbunny:

:thumb144536211: by :iconuilliam444888:

This one is from Dead Rising from Capcom.

Hopefully the last update:
The infamous profile pic of Giovanni Gelati, is now considered to be stolen as well from this man's flickr account.…

It's like almost every image was stolen. We found two covers out of all the others that may be bought stock. But I have a feeling he probably stole those too. :)

Here are many other stolen picture from that I looked hard for but couldn't find until :iconsjm001: helped me out.

Lilith - The face of the Sin by Pri-Santos :iconpri-santos:

:thumb63273349: :iconandyparkart:

Read below to 1-31-12 , for the older story and original information.
Stay informed by following LVeraWrites

Also, these are the books he currently list as trestlepress.…

2-3-12 New day, new updates.

Trestle Press has removed their statement. (Probably because it admits to stealing basically.)
Here's the cache version:…

Last night one man defended Giovanni, Stephen H. King. (Which I always hated that name. He even uses the other Stephen King to help promote himself by calling himself "The other Stephen King". Serious, get your own writing identity.) My little crack team of investigators and I found two more artist and one of them was on Stephen H. King's book "Catactlysm".

I also want to thank everyone who has helped, and Lit Reactor for bringing more eyes to our issue. Special thanks to

Julie Morrigan
The NameLess Horror, who goes by too many names to begin with
Luca Vesta
and to everyone who has helped.

Also, the topping of the cake today.

Even though we have been informed it may be a stock picture,. it's still kinds funny. :) Especially since we kinda assume if 90% are stolen they all must be.

Also, search for microphone on google and you'll find this little treasure.


Thanks to one of our found artist for this one, even though it looks like they changed this one already.

The image is way to big to display here.…

Today's update: B. R. Stateham leaves trestle press.

Earlier today: Read below to 1-31-12 , for the older story and original information.
Stay informed by following LVeraWrites

Also, these are the books he currently list as trestlepress.…

There are two author's who are staying with TrestlePress who believe in Giovanni's statement. The most vocal is B.R. Stateham.

Here are there blogs in case you want to read what they have said. Stateman's noirtaketurner-frank.blogspot.… Dusk's…

And here are more stolen images:
Ghost Rider by kominosai by :iconkominosai:

This one is a wallpaper for this company's logo.

Here's another one with B.R. Stateham. This one is from the anime Hellsing.

Stolen from Artfulplayground old wordpress account

Stolen from a band's album

Smoke by Libudas by :iconlibudas:

Tortured Soul by Deathmonkey7 by :icondeathmonkey7:

Newest of the newest updates:  I finally sent Giovanni "Garbageman" Gelati an email and it's posted on my Wordpress Blog because this journal is already getting messy. :)…

Newest update today: Trestle Press responds:…

I think we need to make a MEME out of his profile picture.

I'll give 470 dA points to the best one. I'd offer more if I could. :)

I've been reading another blog where my journal has become part of a topic.… Thanks to :iconsjm001:

So today, I have more finds and more people to contact including Giovanni Gelati, the mastermind behind all this. Okay, mastermind sounds to good for what he is how about: poopy mind, or asshole. Yeah, asshole will do. Anyways . . . here are some new pieces that have been found.

broken me by anaRasha by :iconanarasha: and the book… ( refuses to put the picture up correctly. Sorry)

This one was found by the author himself. here

This is from detective conan.

Oh and this is my new favorite and I can't believe i couldn't find it yesterday.

is from the movie Ghost Rider

Update: :iconjjasso: responded and told me he didn't give anyone permission. So with his permission I'm going to ask Giovanni to remove the "Brit Grit" books. If he refuses, we are going to take it up with amazon and kindle. Fun.

1-31-12 Here's a link to all the books he publishes:…

It would be awesome if we could find where he has stolen the others from.

Stolen from flickr (I think this the last for today, I'll look for more tomorrow)

Stolen from a movie's wallpaper

by :iconbleed-black-sheep:

CIGAR CITY by JJasso from :iconjjasso:  and  

from :iconvoid-w4lker:

Black dream by Gloom82 from :icongloom82:   


I recognized this one as soon as I saw it. It's from the game Hitman.   I have no idea who to contact here.

Here's another one stolen from a video game.   


This one is from an ad campaign…


Look at this one. Bill and Ted. Wow.

) and his book

I love the way he butchers the resolution on these pictures. 

The story I first posted:
The publication Trestle Press, which promised to publish The Horror Suicide Show really disappointed me. They offered me a chance to publish my story online on amazon and kindle stores and they would provide editing and a new cover. I knew I could do it myself but they said they would help promote it.

First of all, the editor did nothing but run spell check, which caused more problems then it fixed. He missed tons of small errors, i caught on my first read through of the piece he had of mine. So, the work was sloppy but I fixed it. Even though at that point I should have just sent the piece to my personal editor but I had already waited three months with them to get this piece out.

Now for the worst part - Trestle Press is an art thief. That's right an ART THIEF. They sent me this picture by the wonderful :iconandycap:   

Shot update by Andycap

They put my title and my name in horrible font and size on it and I said yes, that looks good. But it looked awfully familiar. Was it coincidence? But I knew I seen it before and I was right. AndyCap from deviantArt created it. So I tracked him down and asked him if he gave anyone permission to use his image. He said no and this was the first he had heard.

So now, I fell like I was had - and I was. I even went on to find out a lot of the pictures he uses on his books are stolen. It's sad because he has other clients who don't even know. And I wouldn't have said anything until I found out myself. And when I did I was wondering what would happen to my work.

So without raising any flags I wanted my works to revert back to me, I did sign a contract giving them publishing rights for two years so I had to be careful. So he gave them back to me after a couple of emails and said good luck. Now it's time for me to tell you my story.

AndyCap, the original creator of the cover image, has given me permission to use his artwork. And now that I have rights to publish "The Horror Suicide Show", I'm going to do it the right way, the way I should have from the beginning. I'm going to list it myself on amazon and kindle for FREE. I actually gave this collection away for two days before they offered to make money off it for me. I also plan on adding two-three more stories and offering a paperback at a super low price of - that's right - Free.

So thanks Trestle Press for wasting my time and at least teaching me a lesson, and hopefully others as well.

BTW, I also just started writing the "Monolith" and I think you are going to like it. :)

© 2012 - 2024 LVeraWrites
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cabin-goddess's avatar
OMG I about busted a gut. I think my dad represents Narrows Construction. You may want to have someone call them and ask for the number for their lawyer. My father is currently out of the country but if I Am right it will be to Morton and McGoldrick. HOWEVER, the Tacoma legal community is TIGHT knit and I bet they would be happy to give you the name of the graphic artist who came up with their logo. OMG!