luvlymaiden's avatar


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Llama: Llamas are awesome! (4)
My Bio
Hi, I'm luvlymaiden, also known as Shen.
As you can see, I love to draw manga, but that's not all, sometimes I draw pictures of real life people too xD
Anyway, I also have a website: on that site, I tell about the stuff I like and write columns and such.
For now it's only in dutch, so when you can't speak dutch, you won't understand a single thing about my site :S:S
I'll make an English version in the summer break or something, just not now, since I don't have any time to do so :)
That's it! There's some more info about me below~!

Favourite genre of music: J-pop
Favourite style of art: MANGA and PHOTOGRAPHY
Favourite cartoon character: A lot of them are the same, but I think I like Naruto and Lelouch the most :)

Favourite Visual Artist
Arina Tanemura
Favourite Movies
Sherlock Holmes, Pirates of the Caribean (all 4), Pride and Prejudice, Naruto Shippuden: Bonds
Favourite TV Shows
The Mentalist, Castle, Criminal Minds, Hawaii-Five-O, NCIS, NCIS LA
Other Interests
taking photographs, drawing, writing stories, baking, singing, smiling and to play with my lil' sister!


0 min read
I'm busy making a website about manga in general and about my webcomics. It's still not much, but you can already visit it through this . You can find further links to my webcomics on the website. Sorry 'bout the emptiness, I started making the website yesterday (o^~^o')_[ R E A L L Y  S O R R Y ~ !] AND another bit of news is the fact that school's starting again. I'm still free on monday, but tuesday I gotta go... (>n
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Really, I barely ever visit DeviantArt these days :P! Of course I have a major good excuse, which is, naturally, SCHOOL! Anyways, I uploaded 2 new artworks. And that's it for now...gotta hate school for cutting all the free time I have...!
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Ugh, this sucks! It's finally holiday for me, but these stupid teachers gave us a major amount of homework. I wonder whether I will finish it in time...! I was going to start making homework today, yet I was to busy going to the gym and stuff, so... (Besides, yesterday was my mum's birthday, making homework that day is a no can do :P) I still have a lot of things I can post on Deviantart, but I'm tired now, so I'll do it some other time. (Just like my homework :P) O, right, I wanted to ask you to visit my new website: It's in English ;-)
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Profile Comments 45

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thanks for the faves!!:la:
thnx for the fav! :D
thanks for the fav!!
You're welcome ^^
thank you for the fav!!8D