Dunkleosteusluvazquez on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/luvazquez/art/Dunkleosteus-191938350luvazquez

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luvazquez's avatar




Been awhile since I posted an update...been sick; 2010 was not a very good year for me healthwise. Better now, and looking to get back in the saddle for 2011.

This image is one I started in 2010, and I didn't want to let the year pass without finishing it, so here it is. It's a Dunkleosteus, one of the coolest and nastiest looking fish to come out of the Devonian Age. Lot's of cranial plating and jaws that could shear through pretty much any contender in the sea at that time. Easily my favorite prehistoric predator. You can keep your Megalodon, I luv me sum Uncle Dunkle!
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700x467px 144.47 KB
© 2011 - 2025 luvazquez
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rainchickk's avatar
Saw this in a documentary. Certainly did a good job on those massive jaws!!