luvataciousskull on DeviantArt

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luvataciousskull's avatar




On January 25th, 2011, the people of Egypt took to the streets to protest against a government that they felt was false. They demanded that their "president", elected in fraudulent elections for 30 years, leave office immediately so that they could have truly free elections and a government that they felt really reflected their concepts and values.

While many of us can't fight in the streets with them, I wanted to do something to show my solidarity with them and give myself and everyone else a chance to show their support as well.



PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE USE THIS IMAGE!! Use it for protests, for flyers, your Facebook profile, etc... Just please make sure you credit me.

Non-commercial use is allowed, Attribution for use Required for anything! In other words, do whatever you want, just don't try to make a dollar off this.


The fist in this photo is actually my own. I considered using a stock image, but wanted to use my own fist instead since... well, it actually was easier. As always , my love of propaganda art was with me and this actually went through about 10+ rough sketches on paper before I settled on one idea. In the creation process, this went through a ton of revisions and part of the sketch was abandoned to make the poster my coherent.

Unlike my other propaganda-style posters, I decided not to use a border this time. These protests are boundless, rising towards a new day, and made of raw strength against all odds. I wanted to make sure my poster showed that.

Also, you can buy some merch as well. I'm going to donate half the profits to any charity I can that will be able to help people in Egypt. I'm open to suggestions!

You can get flyer's here to edit and hand out: Free Egypt! Flyer

Also, the shirt can be bought here: Free Egypt! T-shirt



THANK YOU!!! I am incredibly glad to see this piece has touched so many people! Thanks for all the kind words and praise!

Also, I got a sweet feature on DeviantArt on their "Faux Propaganda" entry. Ironically enough? This was made during the protests and used BY the protestors in some places: [link]
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