Metal 101- The Mainstreamallica FanLusoSkav on DeviantArt

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Metal 101- The Mainstreamallica Fan



Well hello

sorry for the lack of updates, but i've been working in getting my art mojo back. its coming back, slowly but surely i think

this one may be a little more... venomous than the other ones i believe, haha. guess because ive met some of these guys who rubbed me the wrong way

in any case, here it is! enjoy

So, after a few years passing, and many, many metal shows attended, i couldn't help but to notice the diferent archetypes and demographics in the metalhead culture that i kept coming across.
And since i never saw any kind of descriptive charts that accurately portrayed the metal subculture i so dearly know and love, i decided to do it myself!

So, based on people that i know, people that i merely saw, often or not that often, and on blunt personal experience, i began scribbling out a few, and constructed many more in my mind, which is to say, that there will be quite a few before i'm done.

Also remember this is not meant to offend. It's all harmless satire, more often than not :)

So yes. Hope you enjoy Luso's Handy Guide to Metalheads

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© 2012 - 2025 LusoSkav
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TheLaughingGiant's avatar

If this guy badmouths Volbeat, he's officially not gonna be my friend.