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Daily Deviation

August 27, 2008
To go beyond by ~lurazeda
Featured by Marker-Guru
Suggested by artemisio
lurazeda's avatar

To go beyond



Finally! My first animation on DeviantART :)

"To go beyond" was my final year project in university, it was my second piece of 2D animation that I actually complete.

It is just a very simple story set in a corner of the world about the affection between two individuals. Lives fade, lives continue, live to go beyond.

The whole piece was done in Photoshop and Imageready mainly, and edited in After Effect.

And for the music..
The background music is composed and copyrighted by me.

You are welcomed to visit my blog entry regarding this animation: [link]
Image size
720x576px 19.92 MB
© 2008 - 2025 lurazeda
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gibranhl's avatar
Such lovely music. =)