What Have I Done? 3 #15LupiArts on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lupiarts/art/What-Have-I-Done-3-15-741647285LupiArts

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What Have I Done? 3 #15



What Have I Done?“….

Life can play a difficult game with winning conditions and loss conditions… situations that happen in every family, every relationship, everyone‘s life~ situations that create a person and form it over the time. Still, when something gets destroyed, something new gets the chance to enter the game…

This is the story about Chess and her family. What makes them special? What makes them weak, what makes them strong? What happened, what will happen? Find it out for yourself.


Find the first page of Part 1 here: fav.me/d8mz5tp

Find the first page of Part 2 here: fav.me/d97v4uj

Find the first page of Part 3 here: fav.me/dbzw183

Prev: What Have I Done? 3 #14

Next:  What have I done...? 3 #16

It's time to let this old story live on, again. Yes, "What Have I Done?" is back and better than ever- expect more information, more pages and more feelings~  I hope you enjoy the last part of it.

If you want to support me, make sure to check out my Patreon. Every little bit helps me to keep my work possible and is very much appreciated. Thank you^^

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Jatheus's avatar
Oh gosh... please don't let it be something weird or kinky... :popcorn: