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Regretting the Past



Hey everyone^^
I got inspired by the last episode on saturday, where Spike sang his wonderful song, I really enjoyed. I´ve seen Starlight´s frowning face when he sang the last part and... well, I saw her regret in her eyes. From that moment, I wanted to draw the three fullgrown unicorn mares, who really regret their past: Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer and Trixie Lulamoon. I really felt like doing this when I saw the feeling of guilt in Starlight´s expression. I also think, that those 3 could be very good friends and I love all 3 of them, I enjoy seeing their character development and their talents. 
I just like them xD
I had quite a lot of work to do while I was drawing the hair. Seriously, it took like forever xD But it was funny and challenging.
I think, I messed up Sunset a bit here and there, I try to do better next time, but anyways, I hope you like it^^
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1632x1224px 575.44 KB
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NovemberDear's avatar

This is one of my favorite pieces from you. I always think about creating a fanfic inspired by this.