Dance with meLupiArts on DeviantArt

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Dance with me


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Hello everyone,

this is it, perhaps my biggest and most ambitious piece yet and what I would call my personal "Magnum Opus" with countless hours, days and weeks of work that went into it. It is an illustration I wanted to make of and for both me as well as by beloved boyfriend, Snoops. He makes me super happy and gives me comfort, understanding and a smile when I need it, he's the man I love and who deserves nothing but the best, so I wanted to give it my all when drawing this illustration.

It's inspired by the German song "Tanz mit mir" by Santiano feat. Faun and one that we both enjoy a lot and had this idea of. At first, it seemed like a huge challenge I wouldn't be ready to face, especially due to my distaste in drawing backgrounds such as taverns, buildings, anything that deals with architecture really. However, I did want to surprise my partner, I did want to face this challenge, defy the odds and overcome this barrier in hopes to take his and many other people's breaths away with this drawing. After some research for medieval tavern interior, as wlel as clothes and sceneries, I created a first sketch a while ago and slowly but surely buildt up this artwork as I went from drawing background, objects such as barrells and stools, to creating background characters consisting of lovely and important people we know and appreciate in our lives^^

Unfortunately, I couldn't add as many people as I wished to include since quite obviously there are a LOT of friends, community members as well as fictional characters we both love, care about, like and/or cherish. I chose a couple and tried squeezing them in as best as possible. The following ones are in there from left to right:
Nirusu (fox in foreground), Spitfire "Tipsyfire", Haruka, Woodiewool, Baldurwoof, K.K. Slider, Snoops and me dancing on the table, Mara (my best friend), Sushi, Venmar, Quest, ThisIsNorsense, Apo the Watchcat and an Olm called Jef- I mean Kev!
These and many more are wonderful people in our lives (or important characters we enjoy) and deserved to be depicted in this artwork. I'm also super happy with how they all turned out as I put lots of care into their designs, poses and clothes! Do you have a favourite aesthetic wise? If so, which one? And did you spot the one or other small easter egg? let me know if you did!

To wrap this all up, this artwork is like a love tribute to my partner Snoops. it features things (easter eggs) as well as characters of our friends and is home to my most ambitious single-artpiece yet. I truly hope it can be seen by many, I hope it'll show the world what I am capable of as I call this my pride, my crown-jewel even. I'm not over-exaggerating when I say that finishing this is like a huge accomplishment and reward for me. I would absolutely love to hear your thoughts on it and thank everyone who takes the time to appreciate it and maybe even share it. Thank you for the support on this drawing.

Time: Many many days worth of work


If you want to support me, make sure to check out my Patreon. Every little bit helps me to keep my work possible and is very much appreciated. Thank you^^

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JakeTheArmyGuy's avatar

Looks fantastic!!! ^_^