:COMM/GIFT: Love DrunkLupiArts on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lupiarts/art/COMM-GIFT-Love-Drunk-741732132LupiArts

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:COMM/GIFT: Love Drunk



Hey everyone^^

so, it's finally time for a new SpitDash drawing hehe and this is a special one to be honest.
:iconnialofthe9ine: made it possible for me to let a small dream come true as they offered me the chance to draw a SpitDash picture as a gift commission in between the stress I have with my art portfolio, school exams and so on, a veeeeery relieving gesture to be honest. I so loved working on something like that from time to time.

It's a little funny idea out of 5 we had in general and maybe a 2nd one of them will follow some day: While being at the bar, Spitfire and Rainbow get a little tipsy...or drunk as they celebrate after a good show, Spitfire drunkenly trying to get closer to Rainbow Dash. The yellow pegasus mare is a little seductive that way and tries to put a wing around Rainbow and brushes a little against her fur with her flank while doing so. I can imagine this to look quite funny if it had real movement XD Of course she can't quite focus and stumbles here and there because of the alcohol in her system. 

This drawing was made with coloured pencils and black fineliners ^^ Something relaxing in between all the other stuff honestly XD

I want to thank the commissioner so much for doing this for me since they did it to fullfill a wish I had: To get commissioned to draw my favourite pony or favourite couple :D
I know commissions aren't open yet, but I made an exception since this one was also a gift for me and calmed me down, mentally whenever I was working on it.

So yeah, I hope you like it^^

Time: 3 to 4 Hours

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SnoopyStallion's avatar
nice job on making you fav ship again XD 

also... how did this bubble make it into the shape of a heart? XD