Digital artist @ERA7 has found industry success over the years creating the cover images for a traditionally published book series, as well as 3D animation and more. Learn what inspires her, how she became a professional artist, and discover what tips, tricks, and advice she has for artists!
An Interview with @ERA7
How would you describe your art style to someone who has never seen your art before?
I would describe it as a mixture of digital oil painting with 3D technologies, photobashing, matte painting, and overpainting. I work in different styles from cartoonish-comic to realism.
When did you first start making art, and what inspired you to do it?
According to my parents, I created my first drawing when I was 3 and have continued nonstop. My main inspiration has always been to show people things that don't exist: fantastic worlds, technology, and characters.
I was greatly impressed by cinema, especially Disney films from the '90s. I realized I wanted to create something similar