The Spirit of Ethil pg3Lunewen on DeviantArt

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The Spirit of Ethil pg3



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The Spirit of Ethil pg2 by Lunewen:pointl:PREV. - NEXT.:pointr:The Spirit of Ethil pg4 by Lunewen

Cover : WIP - The spirit of Ethil Cover by Lunewen

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MadRacer's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star: Impact

So far only few pages long, this comic is already one of the most beautiful I have ever seen.
On the visual field, at least. Because we still have to wait for the story to develop. However it already seems very promising and I'm certainly looking forward to it.

The time and dedication this must take is worth the outcome (and all the stars I'm giving). Because not only the pages are each a little masterpiece, but they also come in several languages. Once longer, this comic could easily score high at TopWebComics or similar websites and competitions.

Now, focusing on this particular page, and the star rating. I'm actually trying hard to look for things to criticize, but there simply aren't any obvious.

The impact is totally there, anyone who sees this page will want to see the next one, or maybe it'll inspire them to make a comic of their own.

The technique is near perfect. Not much I could say about that.

Original characters, story and settining are pretty original.

And vision.. The visual is certailny very beautiful. I only give half a star less for it because on the first and second panel (where the crystals are growing) the transition between the light coming from the crystals and the fur in shadow seems a little... rough.

Other than that, fantastic work. The fact this critiquie is far too longer than I thought I'm capable of is the proof. <img src="…" width="15" height="15" alt=";)" data-embed-type="emoticon" data-embed-id="387" title=";) (Wink)"/>