Hello my friends, how are you?
In January I wrote a Journal saying I was back... what a lie! I still had so much work to do and my time on dA still was almost none. But now I promise I'm already 80% full speed and I have a whole week to dedicate to all my friends around here. And yes, I miss you a lot.
First big new: some of you may remember back in 2009 when I told you that a Publisher stole one of my images and published it on a book cover! The book was for sale all over bookstores and Internet and I was chocked when I found out about it. I hired a lawyer and I went to Court. We all know how justice works and, the result came out just recently. The trial was like a circus... they told they found out the image on Google and mysteriously, on Google, the image had no Watermark. I just laughed silently. Fortunately the Judge was not an idiot and soon realized what really happened!!! And that's it: I WON.. I WON!!!!!! They had to pay me and they can't continue publishing that book with my image on it. It's a shame that such "professional" companies do things like this.... I hope they learned their lesson!!!!!! And I'm happy because justice worked!
Original Image and Published Book
Just a tiny side note: I know I told you on my last Journal "sorry for the flood I'll be doing in the next couple of days, updating my commercial work and features folder......." Well, now it's really going to happen... so, sorry for the upcoming Flood!
• Featured Artists on Journal can be found here: lunebleu.deviantart.com/journa…
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All my artwork is under Copyright ©Ana Cruz 2005-2012 aka LuneBleu - All rights reserved. The materials contained in my deviantART gallery may not be reproduced, copied, tubed, edited, published, transmitted or uploaded in any way without my written permission. Any doubts or further information, please e-mail me to anacruz.arts@gmail.com.
CSS design by NyssaDuck