England Mochi ShimejiLunaticMao on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lunaticmao/art/England-Mochi-Shimeji-257018884LunaticMao

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England Mochi Shimeji



So, I was reading a doujinshi yesterday, and it involved the mochis. :meow:
Talk about inspiration.

I based this shimeji on わらびもち's (pixiv) England Mochi, so you might see some similarity. It's kinda messy, though, and there are ugly lines on the edges (I can't seem to fix that somehow). If anyone wanted to remake this, feel free to do it.

Although this was all made out of boredom and stuff, I quite enjoyed making this.
Maybe I'll make Japan Mochi later... :)
DONE. [link]

I used ~Liright's translated menu, so the menu is actually readable.

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sorry but how tf am i supposed to install this??? it is an html file THAT YOU CANT EVEN DOWNLOAD when you click the download button, and the description does not seem to have any install link. im quite expirienced with shimejis too btw, so im not a noob, i even once made my own shimeji, tough it wasn't that good.