Winter FoalsLunaticDawn on DeviantArt

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Winter Foals



Since it's Christmas time, I decided to upload something Christmas-related.

Sweetie Belle and Rumble are ready for kiss under mistletoe. Yesterday when I was ready to finish this pic, I confused mistletoe with holly, but luckily noticed this and I found a mistletoe vector somewhere. Screw you, holly! You have mislead many!

Scootaloo stuck her tongue on a tree, so she can't steal Rumble from Sweetie Belle. But hey! She has Super Funk (or Blade Runner, whatever his name is) instead. You know, this foal who polished her hooves in ''Twilight Time'' episode.…

Jealous Button is the best Button, but he has Ruby Pinch so he won't be lonely.

And there's Apple Bloom running on the snow hills with Pipsqueak.

Nopony will be alone this Holy Night. Huggle! 

MLP:FiM and all characters belongs to :iconhasbroplz: & :iconfyre-flye:
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© 2015 - 2025 LunaticDawn
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