I don't visit here very often. I hope you can find use for the new textures.
Have fun:heart:
Remember there are NO restrictions on any of the images you find here.
Just my small gift to the community I enjoy belonging to.
Fond regards
m:boing::boing:nm:boing:mma <patriciabrennan (https://www.deviantart.com/patriciabrennan)
These textures have been made by my friends or me during our 'playgroup for adults' sessions.
I encourage everyone to be expressive and get very messy.
It occurred to me that someone might find them useful :nod:
Everyone I have ever had contact with here on DA has been unbelievably kind and generous to me.
This is my small attempt to reciprocate that kindness
Any photos that appear here have been taken (very badly) by me.
There are no rules about using these images; you can do as you wish with them with my blessing. Enjoy!
Fond regards
<patriciabrennan (https://www.deviantart.com/patriciabrennan)
M:boing: :boing:nm:boing:mma :wave:
I have a special