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436 - Glacier



Name: Glacier
ID Number: 436
Ownership: Kid31
✔ Owner may gift, trade, or sell this monster if desired

Species: Lunar-Hollow Monster - Drae
Breed: Ashvi Alodrae
Gender: Male (any pronouns)
Age: Mature
Height: Average, but tends to look tall due to their serpentine build
Weight: Very Thin, but healthy
Genotype: ee/tt/SS/nDw
Phenotype: Sugar with Dawn
Eye colour: Ocean
Free Markings: Minimal Black, Crest
Lineage Marking: none
- Build: Ashvi
- Horns: none
- Ears: none
- Wings: Ashvi
- Tail: Alodrae
- Fur type: Standard

Mutations: none
Elements: none

Biorhythm: Crepuscular
Habitat: Coniferous Forests
Diet: Omnivorous

Status: Healthy • Talent: Noble
Hierarchy: Predator
Rank: none
Stat Points
ATK: 6 | DEF: 3 | SPD: 5

Can usually be found sitting quietly on floating ice sheets. Glacier is passive and calm, and is never one to start a fight.

Equipped Items:



[ Breeding Badge --- not available ]

Reproductive Sex: Sire
Brood Mother: ---
Blessings: none

Mated Pair:

------------------------------------------ SSS: Unknown
----------------- SS: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
Sire: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown
----------------- SD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown

------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown
----------------- DS: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown
Dam: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DDS: Unknown
----------------- DD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DDD: Unknown


ID 436 by Lunar-Masterlist

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Owner may comment with links to art and the pieces XP score
Design by: Kid31
Image size
2600x1900px 4.67 MB
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Kid31's avatar
Lunar Hollow: Glacier

XP Count:
Fullbody: 3
Colored: 3
Total: 6