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Team Phoenix Star



Update: Roy added!~ 
Update: New app pictures
Update: NEW MEMBER! AND Below updated info!~

Bullet; Pink Team Name: Phoenix Star

Bullet; Red Favor: 21

    Bullet; Pink Keepers: Preserver
|| 8
    Bullet; Red Trackers: Scout || 9
     Scholars: Protege || 8
    Bullet; Pink Artisans: Initiate || 2

Bullet; Red Join Date: March 22nd, 2016

F I R S T  M E M B E R  I N F O


S E C O N D   M E M B E R   I N F O

T H I R D  M E M B E R  I N F O



Chapter 1
3 Tracker rep

Chapter 1
3 Keeper rep

Chapter 1
3 Scholars rep

Chapter 2: Rivercross Acres
2 Keeper rep and one Token (used on Scholars)

Chapter 2: Darkhowl Woods
2 Tracker rep and Token

Chapter 2 Healing the sick
Earned First Aid Kit

Earned a Spirit of Evolution
Used Spirit of Evolution

Intermission 2
Earned Promissory Note

Chapter 3: Water Barrels
2 Tracker rep and 1 Artist rep

Earned Scout Badge!

Earned Bag of Holding 

Chapter 3: Purified Waters
2 Keeper rep and 1 Scholars rep

Earned Preserver Badge

Earned an Egg

Egg Hatches

Intermission 3
Earned Proof of Willpower

Chapter 4: Trickster

2 Scholars rep and Mushroom Lantern

Earned Protege Badge

Access to Studied Moves and one free potion each chapter

Chapter 4: Berserk/Priestess of Lunar

1 Tracker rep and Swamp Net

Intermission 4: Offering
Steel-Threaded Kite and a Proof of Conquest

Intermission 4: Cleaning
Earned Small plot of Land

Chapter 5

Earned 1 of each guild reps

Roy joined the Team Kinda
(Is actually the second team member since Marco was the egg for earning the preserver badge)

6 flavors were used to buy the two Crimson Kunais

Intermission 1
Received a Warding Charm

Total Flavors 21
Image size
368x985px 292.4 KB
© 2016 - 2024 Lunapok
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Foxesrain's avatar
D'awww Marco's such a cutie~ I wonder when he'll learn to speak properbly =w= Also what does Lunette think about the little Sentret?