Comic Shout Out (#1) - Sprinter / Four Leaf by NiWo21k, journal
Comic Shout Out (#1) - Sprinter / Four Leaf
Welcome and Hello to a new look at web/indie comics that I personally think deserve every praise they can get.As always, I try to avoid spoilers as much as I can and if you like these comics please consider supporting these creators in any way you can. So, let’s get started.---- Sprinter by Marowe/Isto A few months ago, I was going through some tweets of different artists and there I saw a small post from Michael Sexton , the creator of Everblue (a comic I covered last year ). This was a Shout Out for a small comic called Sprinter that started a short while back (February 2017). Created by Marowe and written by Isto caught my ey...
Hello! I'm Lumaga (or just Lu). I work drawing for videogames and other things like that. I like ketchup and pokémon. I'm also kind of a writer, so this dA will be full of my original characters, with some occasional fanart.
I speak English, but also Spanish which is my mother language.
Hola Lumaga, tiene un tiempo que no he estado pendiente de ti T_T pero espero que te la estes pasando muy bien, te desoun enorme un Feliz Cumpleaños!!!