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Arcanist Co-leader and Magic Specialist - Glynn the Steenee
Sassy|Somewhat Vain

Moves:  Aromatic Mist, Magical Leaf, Play Rough, ----
Ability: Sweet Veil

Glynn loves to be the center of attention. But what he loves even more is magic! Though not a born magician, Glynn had a penchant for it. Tends to over exaggerate things a bit and is somewhat mischievous. Has vast knowledge of anything magical but don't ask him to demonstrate as he's a huge show off. He is often scolded by Weston to act his age. While the two bicker he really does look up to him as a father.

Art by
Bunipii and 1Apple-Fox1 
Image size
1050x1395px 355.04 KB
© 2021 - 2024 Lullabynny
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ChaosMaster17's avatar

I'm sensing a lot of magical girl energy from him. Like, he will pose after casting a spell.