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Amiga Tribute: Yo! Joe!



Joe, Nat & the Dragon Bird from Yo! Joe!

Part 24/24 of my Amiga tribute project >3

Well I'll be damned, I FINALLY have finished the last piece of this. Presenting the awesome platformer that is Yo! Joe!
And damn, was I anxious to finish this one XD You see, Yo! Joe! happens to rank up as one of my most favourite games ever, and even among Amiga titles, it stands firmly next to Wolfchild and Superfrog on my top spot.
But lets start from the top, what Yo! Joe! even is, though keep in mind, the description will be somewhat chaotic as I'm doing my best not to go into a fanboy rant here |D. So, right from the start you know you're up against something awesome, I mean, those two exclamation marks in the title really get your attention. Then you may or may not see the intro, which is mandatory cause it does not really show you the story all too well, it's just a bunch of really weird, cartoony badguys called the "Black Sect" who spy on our heroes via magical crystal ball, then they conspire how they will dispatch of them... and yes, this makes absolutely no sense that a group of monsters from a Saturday morning 90's cartoon would want to kill two random street brawlers... but then again, it's pretty standard for it's time, so yeah, don't think too much about it XD
Next, when you finally start the game, shit gets real. I should mention, this game is of the "where the fuck do I go" variety. which means you'll b spending quite some time in every stage, good thing the music here is so awesome (and don't take my word for it, by all means check it out yourself, and as opposed to most such games, it's actually fun to run around here, and it's not that hard to navigate, as you can fully distinguish between ever part of the stage based on the layout and background (for example, the first stage is a castle, which has a sort of courtroom, but also a cellar and a tomb, all with different background elements). Another thinbg worth noting, is the combination of heroes, weapons and enemies. While the stages are themed after their respective bosses (castle, pyramid, voodoo jungle, etc.) and the enemies and mid-bosses are themed as such, the characters and their choice of weapons really stick out here, I mean, the heroes are still a pair of street brawlers, who initially fight only with their bare fists, but soon find an arsenal of nunchucks, steel pipes, shurikens, molotov cocktails and chainsaws. Just imagine, you're running around punching skeletons, hitting zombies with nunchucks, bashing ninjas with a steel pipe, and slicing up pretty much anything with a chainsaw >XD and to top it off, you're flying around the world (cause from one stage to another doesn't sound as cool) on a Dragon Bird you stole from the Evil Wizard you just killed in the first stage, talk about swag XD
Also, I think it's worth mentioning, this game was made by Hudson Soft, the same guys that did the Bomberman and Adventure Island games.

As for the image itself, I initially had something else in mind, but since this is the last entry to the tribute project and took so bloody long to finish, I decided to swag it up by giving the guys some weapons and adding the Dragon Bird to it (cause you know, wings).
So anyways, I really hope you guys enjoyed the trip to the more obscure part of video game history, and those of you who just found out I even did something like that, I highly encourage you to check all the entries. This does not, in any way mean I wont be doing any more Amiga fanarts though, so I hope you'll enjoy even the non-project ones ^^

Other parts of the project - Shadow Of The Beast, Shadow Fighter, Zool, The Chaos Engine, Superfrog, Skeleton Krew, The Speris Legacy, Flashback, Agony, Brutal: Paws of Fury, Fightin' Spirit, Ruff 'N' Tumble, SwitchBlade, Lionheart, The Lost Vikings, Brian The Lion, Wolfchild, Gods, Entity, Franko: The Crazy Revenge, Hired Guns, Turrican, The Killing Game Show, Yo! Joe!

Joe, Nat & the Dragon Bird (c) Hudson Soft
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imbisibol's avatar
Haha nice mini review. Haven't seen or played the game, but I got excited and nostalgic just reading your description. Sounds like your classic action platformer. :D

Anyway, fun pic! Love the attitude on the characters. Cool guy piloting the bird. And that guy with chainsaw, having fun with it like a maniac. And I must say, the that bird beasty's wings look so awesome. Somewhat hypnotic even. Nice work man. :D