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Amiga Tribute: Ruff 'N' Tumble



Ruff Rogers from Ruff 'N' Tumble.

Part 12/24 of my Amiga tribute project >3

This time some run 'n' gun action from one of my all time Amiga favs, Ruff 'N' Tumble
This is hands down one of the most action packed games from it's time, when "run 'n' gun platformers" were pretty popular. Taking the best from various platformers such as Mario or Sonic, combining it with some badass gun action such as Metal Slug, proved to be one hell of a great combo, and when it comes to such games, very few can measure to R'N'T, well, these weren't as deep and vast as Metroid, they did rise a step above mere scrolling, arcade style shooters like Contra.
One thing that made it stand out, was the fact you could aim your gun, and as laughable as it may sound, not many games back then had such an option, moreover, it had some of the greatest graphics seen in a video game at that time, the hero, the enemies, the gunfire effects, and most notably, the whole environment, it was all some impressive work.
Also worth mentioning is the soundtrack, the indutrial metal(ish) tunes were as badass as such an action-packed game deserved, and made it all the more enjoyable to shoot the beejesus out of your enemies ^^

Hehe, the only "bad" thing about this game, is that it was never remade... though considering how terrible Superfrog got, and Flashback, while good, wasn't as good as the original, that might be a good thing |D
There was a fanmade project to remake this game, however it's been many years back, and is most likely dead...

Anyways, I strongly urge you to try it out yourselves (emulation), or at the very leats watch the playthrough or listen to the OST, trust me, it's worth it ^^

Other parts of the project - Shadow Of The Beast, Shadow Fighter, Zool, The Chaos Engine, Superfrog, Skeleton Krew, The Speris Legacy, Flashback, Agony, Brutal: Paws of Fury, Fightin' Spirit, Ruff 'N' Tumble, SwitchBlade, Lionheart, The Lost Vikings, Brian The Lion, Wolfchild, Gods, Entity, Franko: The Crazy Revenge, Hired Guns, Turrican, The Killing Game Show, Yo! Joe!

Ruff Rogers (c) Renegade & Wunderkind
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2160x1563px 390.24 KB
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Kspmill's avatar
lol, Bolter gun z W40k