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Amiga Tribute: Franko: The Crazy Revenge



Franko & Alex from Franko: The Crazy Revenge.

"Spadaj pierdoło!"

Part 20/24 of my Amiga tribute project >3

AWWWW YEAH, now this is one piece I've been wanting to do for a long time now, and by some sick twist of fate, it randomized itself only a few spots before the end.... oh right, back to the pic, behold Franko: The Crazy Revenge
Hehe, if you couldn't tell by my reaction alone, this game is VERY special to me. Yeah, I know how it looks at first glance, but there's more to this game than just the graphics (which weren't even THAT bad for it's time), and even that is kinda justified, as it's a very early Polish production, back when we hardly knew how to program this stuff, and compared to the rather huge supply of utterly crappy games we made back then (like Rise of The Robots or Super TaeKwonDo Master), hehe, though yeah, we did get a long way from the likes of Franko to the likes of Witcher II or The Vanishing of Ethan Carver, ne XD
Anyways, as I mentioned, this is a Polish game, and as it's set it a Polish city, the stages were VERY precisely picturing how our neighbourhood looked back then (the game takes place in '91), so as a Polish child of the 80-90 era I can't help but feel nostalgic seeing the scenery I had around myself back then |D (well, minus peiople beating eachother to death all around the place XD).
Of course, if you followed the link and saw the gameplay, you probably noticed the amount of blood >3
Take note, this game was released the same year as Mortal Kombat, but considering how far behind our country was back then, we didn't even hear about the game until sometime later when it somwhow got to us XD but the amusing part is, Franko is actually more bloody than the infamous MK >3 it might not have had the overly bloody Fatalities, though still, each boss in the game was finished in a similar manner, but the biggest difference is that the blood in MK splashes out and disappears instantly, while in Franko, every drop of blood you spill stays on the groun, hell, the bodies of each and every person you kill along the way stays on the ground as well, eat that MK >D
Another thing unique to this title, thought probably unnoticed by anyone who's not Polish, is the amount of cursing included. Granted, besides the "fuck you" or "fuck off", all of the swearing is in polish, but damn, it is a mystery how a game composed almost entirely of blood and curing has actually made it pass the censorship hammer (and it's not like Poland didn't have one). So yeah, why it might not look like much nowdays, it was a kickass game back then, and has many fans to this day.

Other parts of the project - Shadow Of The Beast, Shadow Fighter, Zool, The Chaos Engine, Superfrog, Skeleton Krew, The Speris Legacy, Flashback, Agony, Brutal: Paws of Fury, Fightin' Spirit, Ruff 'N' Tumble, SwitchBlade, Lionheart, The Lost Vikings, Brian The Lion, Wolfchild, Gods, Entity, Franko: The Crazy Revenge, Hired Guns, Turrican, The Killing Game Show, Yo! Joe!

Franko & Alex (c) Mirage Software
Image size
1753x2448px 454.79 KB
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MDTartist83's avatar

Awesome. I heard of this game before.