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Amiga Tribute: Flashback



Conrad B. Hart from Flashback.

Part 8/24 of my Amiga tribute project >3

This time it's one of the well known Amiga classic, namely Flashback: The Quest for Identity
This oldie was ported to almost each and every available system, with the only exceptions being handheld ones like Gameboy XD and gained quite a number of fans along the way, though the original game was released for the Amiga, two years before being ported to the more popular systems such as SNES or Genesis.
For one, this game was one of the best action-adventure title of it's time, or more specifically an "cinematic platformer" as these were called. For those unfamiliar with the term, think Another World (made by the same company), the very first Prince of Persia game or Heart of Darkness, heh, or for the younger gamer's, think Abe's Odyssee/Exodus or Limbo. These might be pretty much forgotten nowdays, as 3D action-adventure games pretty much stole the market, but back in the days these sure were something ^^
On the flipside, if games like Tomb Raider or Uncharted were made back then, they would probably look and play just like this ;3
And I'm not kidding, this title was breathtaking in all aspects, the story, the graphics, the animation, the overall gameplay and feel was something really remarkable at that time (yes, these graphics were stunning back then, problem?). So yeah, the action packed story of agent Conrad B. Hart in his quest to regain his erased memory while the Earth is yet again threatened by an invasion is one hell of a memorable title.
Also worth noting is that the guys who worked on this title back then, now work for the ever so marvellous UbiSoft.And guess what, they're making a remake -…… so while other HD remixes of Amiga titles such as the Alien Breed trilogy or Superfrog might ended up pretty flat, this one sure looks great so far.

And yes, the new version of Conrad does look better and has more details and stuff, but since this is an Amiga tribute, I wanted to draw the original Conrad, even if his design is simple and plain ;3

Other parts of the project - Shadow Of The Beast, Shadow Fighter, Zool, The Chaos Engine, Superfrog, Skeleton Krew, The Speris Legacy, Flashback, Agony, Brutal: Paws of Fury, Fightin' Spirit, Ruff 'N' Tumble, SwitchBlade, Lionheart, The Lost Vikings, Brian The Lion, Wolfchild, Gods, Entity, Franko: The Crazy Revenge, Hired Guns, Turrican, The Killing Game Show, Yo! Joe!

Conrad B/ Hart (c) Delphine Software (now UbiSoft)
Image size
1664x2288px 256.27 KB
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