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Amiga Tribute: Fightin' Spirit



Burke Martlock from Fightin' Spirit

Part 11/24 of my Amiga tribute project >3

Heh, and another one from my favourite genre, one of the less know yet still great Fightin' Spirit
The first thing you might notice, apart from the game having some impressive graphics and sound for an Amiga game, is that some of the sprites and their animation look strangely familiar... well, that's not surprising, cause the whole game, from character designs to sprite animations, has been heavily "inspired" by SNK fighters such as Fatal Fury and Art of Fightg. Heh, karma I guess, SNK started out by ripping of Capcom, so it's no wonder they got to be at the receiving end themseleves |D
So yeah, we have Kento Sazaki, the main character, who is basically a recolored Ryo Sakazaki with an almost identical movelist, then we have Eric Windsor, the other main character, who is basiclly a recolored Terry Bogard without the cap and with Roboert Garcia's movelist, and then we have Burke here, who is basically a John Crowley recolor with moves taken from all sorts of characters. Right here we can see him doing his Scorpion Fist special move, which is as you might have noticed, the same as Terry's Burn Knuckle. Though granted, the two sub-bosses, Rhajang and Yadon are in fact original characters.
Hell, even the short animations between matches are clearly a nod to similar animations from Real Bout: Fatal Fury's home port (the NeoGeo one).
And yet, if you can look past the ripoff festival, you're looking at quite a decent fighter, which was something Amiga needed after so many either failed ports or failed fighters in general (anyone remember Super TaeKwonDo Master or Captial Punishment from my top 30 fighters list?). Too bad the game came out when the system was more or less abandonned.

Another thing worth noting is the theme among charas. Each available character uses the power of a "fightin' spirit", each based on an animal, and each having a tacky name |D so kento got the Holy Onikawa Dragon, Eric got the Rushmore Hawk, and Burke here got the Arizona Scorpion, hehe, though my fav is still Lorentz's "Slick Playboy Puma" XD

Also, if anyone is interested in this game, there's actually an indie game called "Super Fightin' Spirit" which is basically a mashup between FS characters and some characters from Double Dragon (NOT Double Dragon V, the other DD fighting game...), which shouldn't really be hard to download ^^

Other parts of the project - Shadow Of The Beast, Shadow Fighter, Zool, The Chaos Engine, Superfrog, Skeleton Krew, The Speris Legacy, Flashback, Agony, Brutal: Paws of Fury, Fightin' Spirit, Ruff 'N' Tumble, SwitchBlade, Lionheart, The Lost Vikings, Brian The Lion, Wolfchild, Gods, Entity, Franko: The Crazy Revenge, Hired Guns, Turrican, The Killing Game Show, Yo! Joe!

Burke Martlock (c) LightShock Software
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Linkonpark's avatar
I actually wondered if this would be the spiritual predecessor of Bloody Roar.