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Facetime icon



A little update here. I went to Lima (job) on the 13th and just came back this monday. I was so busy that I barely had time to check email and stuff, and If I wasn't busy I was way too tired to work on my icons. Good thing is that the inspiration came back to me today and decided to make this (STILL WORK IN PROGRESS) icon. There's some details I need to correct (example the location of the word FACETIME in the icon, it's size, etc.) but this is the general idea of what I want. There will be three icons based on this design. One for Skype, One for Facetime and this one that could be used for Carousel or as an Alt. version for Facetime.

Let me know what you think! and don't forget that you can follow me on Twitter for some previews and screenshots... or other interesting things I come across surfing the www.

Thanks guys!
Image size
500x400px 209.74 KB
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johnniekim's avatar
it looks nice....