Yo, it's ya boy, Luiishu, here. I'm not all that good at making art yet, but better at using it. I've recently given pixel art a shot and I really enjoy it (even though I'm not that great yet).
I mainly joined in hope of discovering new artists and their art. There's just so many cool people on here doing awesome things, which makes it hard to not get inspired!
I will mostly post random maps on here, since I LOVE mapping and I love finding new mappers and getting inspired to try out new things. It keeps me going forward, I guess.
Outside of the realms of art, I'm heavily into game development, music composing, game design, writing, fitness and pixel art.
I'm also very fond of beer...and clowns...hehehe.
Places where you can find me:
Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/luiishu535
Tumblr: luiishu.tumblr.com/
SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/luiishu535
RMN: rpgmaker.net/users/Luiishu535/
RPGMakerWeb: forums.rpgmakerweb.com/index.p...
Game Jolt: gamejolt.com/@Luiishu535
Avatar is made by the lustrous riderx40! riderx40.deviantart.com/