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Ludo38's avatar

Ciudad de Mexico - 2 futuros



Two photomanipulations I made to show 2 possible futures of Mexico City.
I created these images as my participation to a collective in Mexico City called Region52 ( ) dedicated at analysing the issues and proposing solutions for the city.

These images were entirely created on open-source programs : Hugin (for the making of the original panorama), Blender (for the 3 models of the gigantic freeways, the blimps and a pyramidal building) and over all : GIMP (for the photomanipulation). All that on Linux Ubuntu.

These photomanipulations are based on a panorama photo I took myself from the Torre LatinoAmericana (aka the "Mirador"), and all the other elements are of my personal production (photography and 3D) or from public domain sources such as Pixabay and Wikimedia Commons.

The dark vision is a critic of the dangerous and backward urbanism direction the city is taking by multiplying the levels of the freeways, including the future access to the projected airport. The image also express the increase in car use everywhere, which leads to more smog, more parkings, less trees (the beautiful Alameda Park here becomes the awful Alameda Parking !). It's a nightmare of cars and polluting transports (including planes).

The lightful vision tries to express a city that bet on urban agriculture (on roofs and everywhere possible), on solar energy (all the balls on the buildings are solar energy capture systems I imagined) and on slower and clean means of transport (bike, blimps, walk...). On the left of the image, you can see a river, which is here to express one of the main topics raised by the collective Region52 : the reinstallation of rivers in the city and a real ecological design of the water presence inside the megalopolis.

Musicians I listened most while creating the lightful vision : Eric Serra and Pink Floyd.

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Image size
5000x4320px 6.36 MB
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grisador's avatar
This is Both Greatly and Scarly True.

Awesome Work !