luckylinx on DeviantArt

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luckylinx's avatar




YAY !!!

So here is my entry! Simple idea, but perfectly smooth pixeling and animation!
the shadow works only for light background

time: 2hrs! but i was listening to some awesome drum and bass :iconyellowaww:
Image size
15x25px 4.21 KB
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Synfull's avatar
I always struggle commenting on your emotes because they are too awesome ^^;

Personally i think you've done a really nice job on this. The shading is a nice colour and smooth as always. The eyes are nicely pixelled and able to display a nice range of expression.

I find it very interesting that you chose not to add hands to this but it certainly gives a different take on the yay emotion. The bounce is really fluent with a great use of shadow, and the additional movement in the face really helps make this an awesome yay emoticon.