Felipe sighed as he lurched into his room and flumped down onto his bed. What a miserable day! For that matter, what a miserable couple of months. If the 12 hour days at the pharmacy weren’t tiring enough, every night it seemed like there was more and more bad news on TV. The government was corrupt. The police were corrupt. And there was nothing in the near future to make it look like it was going to change any time soon. Today was especially grueling for the young man. Protests on his usual commute route added an extra hour to his travel time, and he barely had any time to eat and shower before he had to be in bed so he could be r...
Today i have finished organizing my folder of commission, all the commission i have made on my artist life. I'm impressed of the numbers, i have over 15 years drawing and around 10 years that i starting to take commission and i'd not be here in the place i am now if it weren't for all the people that keep supporting my work, i have keep all the commission i have made (I don't think i have erased anything to be honest)I know there are still more progress to do, there are more stuff i need to finish and that i still need to improve, looking back my first commission, looking the new ones i have made,it have make me pretty proud of myself~Over...
Hello there people, long time i don't get the chance to contact you. I hope you guys are having a really good time and that thngs are improving and moving forward. I come here to show update in what things i have being working on;Last Month, the month i Scheduled the Commission suffered of Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) For two weeks and a half, and when i was recovering from it i catched a stomachal bug that incapacitated me for a couple of days and make me get a Delay of unfinished work then in the middle of July i catched a Bronchitis that make me get een more delay than i expected. Normally the Par months i work on my side-project (TFTuesda...
Yesterday i became 31 years old, I have being in this fandom since i was 12 even if i didn't knew what it was those felling, i used to draw people tf into animal in my school books, drawings i used to threw away and see as a shame and a weird stuff that no one would like to see. Eventually I'd discover websites with people doing drawing similar to the ones i do, and thanks to ageaus, i eventually started to show and work on drawings since 2005.13 Years ago i started to draw and upload pictures in Deviantart, then i started in Furaffinity and since then i haven't stopped to work on stuff, to work on things you guys wanna see. Eventually i s...